No Premium Mobile Release The Debt Collector Directed By Jesse V. Johnson

Directed By Jesse V. Johnson The Debt Collector



1hours 35 M

Scott Adkins, Louis Mandylor

Release Date - 2018

Audience score - 2571 votes

Director - Jesse V. Johnson

Movie info - A classically-trained martial artist goes to work as a debt collector for the mob. The job seems easy enough, until one "client" pulls him into a situation deeper than could ever be expected. Also starring Louis Mandylor, Michael Pare, Tony Todd and Vladimir Kulich. Directed by Jesse V. Johnson


Scott Adkins and Jesse V. Johnson got a pretty rough start for a collaboration with Savage Dog but after Accident Man and now The Debt Collector I think these two got a bright future together as an actor and director duo and I can't wait to see what their cooking in Avengement (2019. If Accident Man successfully deliver a brand new imagine of Scott Adkins as a badass fighter and self aware of what he doing like Deadpool with some delicious witty dialogue then in The Debt Collector we got more than with a good dose of drama in this road trip to find salvation of a movie. This movie took me by surprise for how much I love Scott Adkins and Louis Mandylor doing nothing but talk beside the action that usually make a good Scott Adkins movie for me to make themselves more interesting as a character and make me genuinely care about them in the end. I think even for people who don't like Scott Adkins and action movie in general they will still enjoy this movie for how well made and laid back it is.


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